For several months in early 1983 I was laid off from my job because of a long strike by the union workers at Caterpillar. Grandma B was pregnant with your Uncle Ryan, and since I had time on my hands it was easier for me than for her to take your dad to school and pick him up after. Some mornings I would just stay at the school and watch the kids instead of driving home and coming back. At some point, I noticed that some of the wooden chairs that the kids sat on were loose and wobbly and asked the teacher if she would like me to repair them. She was happy to have me do it so the next day I showed up with some tools, glue, and clamps and started in. I didn't have enough clamps to do a lot of chairs at once and most of the chairs were needed each day anyway, so I came back day after day until I had finished all the chairs. Many of the kids found what I was doing fascinating to watch and I would try to explain to them what I was doing, why the chairs had to be clamped or bound with rope while the glue dried, and so forth. When the chairs were done I asked if there were other projects she would like me to do, mostly because I was having so much fun being around the little kids each day. She found other work for me (one I remember was making a large bulletin board) and before I knew it the school year was drawing to a close and so was the strike that had given me the freedom to be there.
The "title" came about because when other parents came into the classroom, the teacher would explain to them who I was and why I was there. Her explanation was, "This is Zak's dad who fixes things." I doubt that she remembers saying that, but it always makes me feel good about myself when I think of it.
Because I had always enjoyed making things, when your Uncle Josh "graduated" from his baby crib (and we were about to need it for your dad) I had made a bed for him modelled after the famous "Radio Flyer" wagon. This bed was about to be retired because we were getting bunk beds for the boys to make room for the newest baby, so I asked Miss Polly if the school could use it. She thought it would make a perfect spot for kids to use for "reading" picture books by themselves. Here is a picture of the wagon when it was being used as a bed.
That's your dad sitting on it.
I don't know how long the school used the bed or the bulletin board or how long it was before the chairs needed repaired again. I do know I am proud of the small contribution I made and cherish the memory of the affection those little kids showed me while I was there.
One other memory of that time sticks with me. It was a song that the children learned. I can't recreate the tune in a blog and I can't credit the author because I have no idea where the song came from, but the words went like this:
"I'm something special,
I'm the only one of my kind.
God gave me a body
and a bright healthy mind.
He had a special purpose
that he wanted me to find.
That's why I'm something special,
I'm the only one of my kind."
It was just a cute little song that they sang for the parents on the last day of school, but I've never forgotten it and the promise of young lives that it celebrated. If someone had been watching me that day they would have noticed my eyes looking a little wet as I watched them sing. Except for your dad,I don't know where any of those kids are today, but they are still "something special" to me.
Awwww, what an awesome story for you AND to share with your grandchildren. A sweet legacy for them to be blessed with! :) And what an adorable idea for a bed! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful memories and how great that you got the opportunity and freedom to be at school -- helping out and enjoying the little faces. I am sure those teachers appreciated all of your repairs and your time. I do think children help to keep us young.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great memory! And I LOVE that big red wagon!
ReplyDeletewell this story was great !!!! Loved it ! :)
ReplyDeleteThe wagon as a bed...WANT! Loved this telling.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful memory! You were so blessed to be welcomed at school day after day to do little jobs.....your son must have felt pretty special having you there! As a teacher, I know we only get those special kinds of dads every few years or so. You were a keeper.....and still are, Bob!
ReplyDeleteLoved this!
A sweet post! Isn't it interesting how some songs stay with us forever, old ones from school, despite the decades. (Then we can't recall what we ate for breakfast yesterday!)
ReplyDeleteI adore that little wagon bed. You truly are the one "who fixes things." Adorable.
Beautiful post! :)
ReplyDeleteYou ACTUALLY made that bed in the pic?!!? Whoa!! That's pretty awesome! :) :)
Your kids and grandchildren are very lucky... :)