It's just an old abandoned barn, slowly crumbling away, but looking at it makes me think about life, and long ago; fond memories and melancholy recollections too. I wrote about "The Old Barn" in one of my early posts, how it was the playground of our childhood. That barn is long gone now, like most others of its kind. The old has been torn down to make room for the new or just allowed to decay because it isn't needed anymore. The value of these old buildings that can be measured in dollars and cents has dwindled to nothing, and sentimental value doesn't pay the bills on a working farm. I can't fault the owners for getting rid of a tax liability and returning the land to productive use; I am just saddened a little that the way of life that flourished around these structures is gone and that the memories of it are fading too.
Old things are preserved in museums so that we can catch a glimpse of the past. Limited space and limited resources dictate what can be preserved. There are a few "historic" farms that survive by selling tickets for that glimpse. I'm not sure it works to visit these places unless they were once a part of your life. That old barn is just a pile of boards unless it contains memories.
It was on my seventieth birthday that I took this picture and I suppose that that milestone has something to do with the mood of it. The longer ago "long ago" becomes, the more precious (and more romanticized) the memories become. "Three score and ten" was long considered a man's allotted time. I feel grateful to have been given my full allotment and have a reasonable expectation that I have a decade or two left. I do not intend to spend all of that time reminiscing about what has been; I look forward to adding to my store of memories and to sharing some of them. But, the memories are a warm place to visit and sometimes long ago doesn't seem very far away at all.
My Aunt had an old barn that was good for hours of play with different rooms and floors. I'm sure it is nothing but rubble now.
ReplyDeleteBeautifully expressed!
ReplyDeleteMy grandma's house had a charming chicken coop with a nicely sloped roof that was perfect for rolling balls up to catch when they returned. If they flew over the top, we had to go into the thorny gooseberry patch to retrieve them.
I had occasion to revisit the site years later and stood there speechless to see the building gone. Not a trace of it left. I had to assure myself that it really was there at one time, the source of so much carefree fun.
A belated happy birthday! I love the picture but then like you i have a lot of wonderful barn memories. Mine is gone now and it does sadden me. Part of me wonders if the people who live in that house now even know it once had a barn -- and 50 acres? Memories really are a warm place - thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you Joeh, J, and Kc for your kind comments. I'm glad I could stir up some pleasant memories.
ReplyDeleteI love barn pics and barn memories. I lived on a farm in Minnesota from the age of 5-9. So much took place in the barn. I wonder if it looks similar to this one you shared now.
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday to you. I love this line: "The longer ago "long ago" becomes, the more precious (and more romanticized) the memories become." I hope you'll keep sharing the precious memories with us!
Oh Bob.....I am delighted you've written a new post! I too have favorite old barns from childhood....and my kids' childhood. Thank you for bringing the "long ago" front and center with these thoughts! How did we miss your special Birthday my friend??? You are my FB friend too....sorry I missed it. Happy 70th! Memories are a great place to visit, not a place to live. Visit often, but keep making new ones too, kiddo! And keep writing!
ReplyDeleteNice post. Talking of long ago, I do the same kind of reminiscing on my blog. Here's a link to a particular post you may enjoy.
ReplyDeleteLovely, just found this.
ReplyDeleteBit of philosophy being taught there , I feel.
See my words at:
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